As beach weekend approaches, rather than spending time packing or pre-tanning, girls everywhere are hunched over in the hallways putting blood, sweat, and tears into their dates' coolers. Here is the convoluted thought-process that takes place while tackling the arduous task of painting the 6 sided monster.
1. Gets the task: Pre-cooler excitement.
2. Yay! I'm so artistic... I can't wait to have the best cooler at beach weekend.
3. Pinterest: Time to brain storm.
4. Spends 5 hours on Pinterest... Wow this will be a piece of cake. I already have it all planned out.
5. Why did everyone say this was so difficult?
6. Wow maybe I should have spent less time on Pinterest.
7. Closes Board with 100+ pins for ideas.
8. Maybe I should actually buy a cooler?
9. Goes to Michaels: Wow I forgot how expensive craft supplies are.
10. Bye Michaels! Time to go to Walmart.
11. Wait there's like 20 types of coolers- which kind does he want?
12. Finally buys the cooler.
13. About to prime it when a girl on your hall mentions spackling...
14. What even is spackle?
15. Goes back to the store to get spackle.
16. Spackles cooler: Wow this is kind of fun.
17. Wait where do I even get a sander?
18. Tracks one down... This is an arm workout.
19. Primes it.
20. Waits for it to dry...
21. Primes more.
22. Waits again... Time consuming is an understatement.
23. Stares at the thing... Hoping for some inspiration.
24. Back to Pinterest, re-imagining everything.
25. Start sketching designs.
26. Wait why don't my sketches look like the ones I pinned?
27. Realizes you peeked in elementary school art class and actually have no artistic ability/
28. Why does his Fraternity crest have to be so complicated?
29. Still hasn't started first side. Goes to a friend for desperate help.
30. Sees friends cooler: Realizes it's perfect and you need to step it up.
31. Regains confidence and begins to tackle first side.
32. Paints like a perfectionist: Spends 7 hours on one side.
33. Wow I do not have time to spend this many hours on every side.
34. Finishes side, chips it.
35. *Silent Cries* repaints chip.
36. Seals it... So close, but so far.
37. Waits for it to dry...
38. Begins second side. Hopefully he'll appreciate the effort?
39. Finally finishes second side.
40. Realize you still have a majority to go... Tears.
41. How will I have time for this?
42. Begins to make up some time and focuses on other sides.
43. Realizes the colors don't match.
44. Begs the art major on your hall to help.
45. Finally finish with two nights to spare.
46. Hope that no one will notice the slight chip on the bottom left corner...
47. Decides not to risk it, fixes the chip.
48. He better like this...
49. Promise yourself you'll plan ahead next year.
50. Heck, promise you'll pay someone to do it next year.