I have been lucky enough to find best friends in some truly amazing people. Of those friends, there are a handful of lovely ladies that I feel are close enough to me to be my sisters from other misters. There have been several moments, both big and small, that opened my eyes to the blessing of having wonderful girls to call my best friends and long-lost sisters.
Disclaimer for my actual sister: You know I love you, Rach. You'll always be my favorite!
1. She tells you how it is.
Your best friend plays the sister role really well when she gives it to you straight. A friend will try to spare your feelings, but your best friend understands what you need to hear and that, sometimes, you need some tough love. She'll let you know if that skirt looks good on you or not.
2. She encourages you to go out of your comfort zone.
Let's face it – yelling at yourself in the mirror, saying, "You got this! Just do it!" is not enough to get the ball rolling, so you need an extra little nudge, and that nudge is your best friend. If she knows you want to try something new or go somewhere you've never been before, she will be the first one to not only push you in the right direction but also to stand by your side and watch you experience life through a different lens.
3. She gives you really good and helpful advice on boys, school, and life in general.
When it comes to figuring out this weird thing we call life, there's no one better to turn to than your best friend. She'll advise you on how to approach your crush, on what to wear on a first date, and on when you should stop taking shots from that fellow at the bar. Truth is, she knows you better than you know yourself sometimes.
4. She offers you a shoulder to cry on or a good laugh, whatever the situation asks for.
It truly is amazing how well your best friend knows you and understands you. Before you even call her to vent, she's ready with the tissues and your favorite movie pre-set on Netflix. If you're having a bad day, she'll be sure to tag you in a funny meme on Facebook or send you a really ugly Snapchat, in the hopes that it'll cheer you up even a little bit... and it does, because you love that she can read your mind, just like a sister can.
5. She helps you through your toughest battles.
Whether you're going through a rough patch in school or dealing with a difficult breakup, your best friend will be there for you, no matter what. No questions asked, she'll be ready to drop whatever she's doing. You find your missing strength in her; she is your missing strength.
6. She's your biggest fan.
There is no better feeling than having your best friend support you in all that you do. You could be applying for your dream job or just trying a new shade of lipstick – she will be rooting for you until she loses her voice. That type of affection goes beyond the border of friendship and straight into a family-type of love.
Shout-out to my long-lost sisters. You girls mean the world to me, and I hope you know that I wouldn't be half the person I am today without you in my life.