We all strive for it, we all crave it, and many people spend their lives looking for it. Yet, many of us feel as though we fall short.
Due to some recent events in my life, I have been focused on the question of what makes me happy. What do I find joy in and how can I stay focused on it? I am not here to tell you that I have accomplished this or that I know the key to make everyone happy, but I do know that it is important for us all to take a moment and reflect on this question. That when things don't seem to be going your way, instead of letting it consume you, take a breath and think. I know that this action is much easier said than done, but I often challenge myself to at least try.
However, the number one thing I have learned is that having true happiness starts with who you surround yourself with. I have written a few articles about my friends and family and this is because they are important aspects of my life and who I find joy in. If you surround yourself with people who easily let their sadness consume them, then it is easy for you to do the same. However, if the people around you are striving to put a smile on their face and show happiness, then you can feed off each other’s energy and lift each other up.
I have also learned is that it's okay to feel down sometimes. A very common saying that I believe is very accurate is, "you can never enjoy the sunshine without the storm.” This means that instead of letting the bad times consume you, let them make you stronger. Step back and analyze what you can learn from the situation. This outside perspective has helped me to not get consumed by the sad times, but allow myself to feel them, understand them, and grow from them.
Lastly, I have tried to focus on the activities that make me happy. I use these activities as a way to release my stressors. For me, those activities may be writing, working out or hanging out with friends.
It is also easy for us to turn to unhealthy activities, unfortunately. When these unhealthy activities occur, it can be hard to link the source to the unhealthy outcome. Trying to focus on the things that bring you joy may help naturally distract you from going to those unhealthy places.
I would like to challenge you all to think about what truly makes you happy. To let yourself learn from the hard times. That finding happiness is not something that happens overnight. Happiness is about challenging yourself to see the good in yourself first.