Ever find that when scheduling your flights home or to a sweet vacation that you have a connecting flight, causing a huge layover? No one truly likes layovers. I personally would rather have a straight flight or a short hour layover to grab a snack and wait to board my next flight. But sometimes we have to deal with them due to delayed flights, cheaper options, and the flights listed for that day. Well, if you find yourself stuck four-plus hours in a large airport, here are a few options to make the time fly!
1. Explore the Airport
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This is a great excuse to get your steps in for the day! Each terminal is so unique with it's set up, food options, and shops. Some terminals were built a lot older than others so it's interesting to find the differences. Some terminals specialize in international travel, so walk around to see how many different countries and cities you find. Some terminals have really awesome gift shops that have cute gifts for families, football gear that is popular in the city the airport is located and even fancy spas! Think of the terminals as separate diverse shopping malls!
2. Try A New Restuarant
Airports are known for all the bars, burger joints, Starbucks, but many terminals also have sit-down restaurants. If you find you have a long lay over, take the time to sit down, relax in a booth, and have a well-deserved meal. Traveling can be stressful at times trying to get from gate to gate, or having to sit on a plane for hours that had a lot of turbulence. With a sit-down restaurant, not only can you try a new food joint, but you can calm down, gather yourself and enjoy a good meal before your next flight.
3. Meet New People
There are thousands of people around you all from somewhere, all going someplace and everyone has a story. Don't be afraid to chat with the person next to you. A simple conversation starter is, "Where are you heading to?" You would be surprised how many people have been to the small town or big city you're from, or even went to the college/school you're attending. It's always really cool to hear someone's story and who knows, maybe you can be an impact on that person's day, or they become a positive impact on yours. It is a small world!
4. Watch Netflix
Been trying to get through a season of your favorite series on Netflix? Or have you been wanting to start one for the longest time you just haven't gotten around to it? Well here's your opportunity! Create a movie marathon with yourself or the person you may be traveling with, or see how many seasons you can get through of your favorite show! Next thing you know, it's time to board your flight!
5. Get Ahead/Catch Up On Work
When it comes to homework for school or your job, it can pile up and become stressful at times. With a layover, you have plenty of time to get ahead on work, or even catch up. Most terminals have charging stations and booths to sit in. Just turn on your study music, plug in those headphones, and get to work. Not only does it keep you occupied, but it really helps in the long run with school and work.
6. Nap
Couldn't fall asleep on the plane because that one kid kept kicking your chair? Or just can't fall asleep on an airplane at all? Do not be afraid to take a nap! Especially if you had an early flight! People do it all the time and some airports even have super comfy chairs that can recline just for you to nap! Find a chair, listen to some soft music, use your bag or arms as a pillow and get some rest! There is no shame in napping.
7. Enjoy It.
When a long layover comes to mind, groans and sighs come to mind. You just wanna get to your destination as soon as possible. Yet we live our lives at such a fast pace going what seems like 70 mph. School, work, practice, work, homework, study groups, games, work, work, and work! It seems like some days we just never get a break. Enjoy this time for yourself. Don't be afraid to treat yourself! Have some fun! Ride the skyline all the way around the airport just because, find a cool restaurant to eat at, and talk to the people around you. Whatever makes time fly by.