My friends and I are constantly looking for things to do during the summer. We have 2 months together at home and we want to make the most of it. However, we usually end up grabbing something to eat and then sitting in the car/driving around because we can't think of anything to do. If you've experienced moments like that, hopefully this list will help you out:
1. Picnic at Old Westbury Gardens
I spontaneously asked my friend one day to go for a picnic at this was a great time and also very insta-worthy.
2. Drive out to the lilac fields
I've never been here but I've seen photos and this place is more than insta-worthy.
3. Have breakfast for dinner at the diner
It's simple but one of my favs.
4. Grab some desert at the waffle cabin in Long beach
5. Watch the sunset/take a walk on the Long Beach Boardwalk
It never gets old.
6. Go mini golfing in Eisenhower park
Always a cute date-night.
7. Have brunch at the Harbor Market in Sag Harbor
This is a really cute brunch place in a residential part of Sag Harbor. Surrounded by quaint homes and off the main road, you could definitely call this place a hole-in-the-wall.
8. Take a stroll through the LongHouse Reserve in East Hampton
Just another insta-worthy landscape.
9. Get some friends together to do an escape the room challenge
If you go with the right group this can be a blast.
10. Read a good book on Cooper’s Beach
And take a drive down Gin Lane to look at all the big houses with beachfront views