Long hair is both a blessing and a curse. Sure you might have gorgeous long locks that get you lots of complements, but most people don't know the struggle that is long hair. But to my long haired loving girls out there, only you will understand these long hair probs!
1. Hair ties are your best friend.
2. Every time you attempt to tie your hair back, you break the hair tie that was probably your favorite one.
Yes, we have a favorite.
3. You can't get a hair cut or even think about trimming your split ends because then you'd loose your identity.
4. All too often you find hair in your food and you know it's always your own. 
Or you find food in your hair, that happens just as much.
5. Your shower drain is constantly clogged with more hair than whats on your head.
6. You literally find your hair EVERYWHERE.
7. Your hairbrush is so full of hair that you could probably make a wig out of it.
8. You get your hair caught in your coat zipper.
Every dang time.
9. Forget wearing necklaces!
10. The amount of shampoo and conditioner you go through is ridiculous.
Not to mention expensive.