I don't usually like to toot my own horn, but I have really great hair. It's so long that it flows like a cape when I walk, It's naturally silky to the touch, and it has natural highlights that shine even in the winter time. I have spent ten years growing out my hair, and I love it, but recently I have found that others disagree. They say that my hair is a pain, that it gets all over, and makes me look childish. Well, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but here are five reasons why long hair (like mine) is the best hair.
1. Dramatic Effect
If I ever feel the need I can use my hair to punctuate a statement of mine. If I want to say something sassy I throw my hair over my shoulder, If I'm feeling motivated I can tie it up and get to work, and if I'm feeling chilly I can let it down and use it to use it shield myself from the elements . The opportunities are endless for those of us in the super long hair club!
2. I'm awesome at head banging!
Anyone who disagrees has never seen someone with long hair headbang. It's seriously impressive.
3. Â We naturally look youthful
While everyone else is aging us long haired people are gonna be over here looking five years younger than we are headbanging to our favorite rock bands. Alright? Besides, what's wrong with looking young and spry anyway?
4. Hairstyles
The are no limits to what my hair can do. Buns, braids, curls oh my! It is a blank slate for creativity to imprint upon. Every day is something new and I wouldn't have it any other way.
5. It's my style!
Long hair is my choice, not yours. Those of us with long hair have it for a reason and your opinion does not get to dictate what we do with it.
In all seriousness, long hair is a choice that myself and many other people make. Be it for fun, personal, or religious reasons it's a piece of who we are and it is a piece of us that we choose to keep because we love it. Words can hurt, so the next time you go think about saying something judgmental about someone, maybe you should keep it to yourself. What you're judging may turn out to be a person's favorite thing about themselves; physically, emotionally, or spiritually.