What it is like to have long hair. Sounds like a simple question, but it has a big meaning in that question. People with long hair could relate to each other because it is very hard to have long hair.
You should spend so much of time washing and drying your hair. Then you should comb your hair at least once a day so it won't get strangled. Trying different products on your hair.
There is so much going on just to take care of your hair. People with long hair are genetically gifted. No matter how much they cut their hair, it will only grow so long. The other way is obviously cutting the hair because of the end part of the hair. And there is one more way. You could try oil on your hair and it will grow like a forest.
People with long hair have a hard time going out with straight hair because if it is windy outside, it will mess up your hair. You need multiple hair bands to tie your hair or to make a bun. It is hard to swim in the swimming pool during a party because there will be so many people swimming around the pool and they are most likely going to pull your hair. when you want to braid your hair, it will take at least 20 minutes to brush your hair and get started on the part where you want to braid your hair.
Long hair might be an attractive factor for some people, so they do come to you and try to touch your hair. Maybe they try to pet you like a pet.
There are so many reasons why you should have long hair and there are so many reasons why you shouldn't. It is your choice to have long hair or not.