How to Handle Long Flights | The Odyssey Online
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5 Tips for long plane journeys

This is how to make the best of those long flights.

5 Tips for long plane journeys

Travelling… The thing you've to do to get from point A to B. Also something that I kinda start dreading during summer. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy getting out and having fun. Long car rides are in fact the best way to bond with people, however I strongly believe long plane rides make or break a relationship. They also test your mettle as an individual, and when I say long I don't mean a few odd hours.

I refer to the mother of all plane flights, cross Atlantic flights, those long 10+ hours test the limits of one's sanity. Which is why if you can sense a hint of madness in this article, it's not all my general personality rather it is the product of getting off another 16 hour flight.

Yes, you heard me, SIXTEEN HOURS!!! 16 hours of sitting in a tin can, thousands of feet above land or water, squeezed between people, on a chair that doesn't seem to recline and several other factors that I do not have the energy to go into. It pushes the limits of the human mind. Unfortunately, I have another one of these less than a week from now and boy do I not look forward to it. But having flown so often, whether it be 16 or 3 hours, I believe I now have acquired some skills on making these trips more bearable.

1. Always adjust to the destination

Before you fly, preferably the night before, sleep (or don't sleep) as you normally would but with the time of your destination as your guide. This eases your body into getting accustomed to the new time zone.

2. Pack efficiently

Try to pack your battery pack, toiletries, sleeping mask, neck pillow and anything else that is small and allowed on a plane and makes your trip more comfortable.

3. Don't eat on the flight

I mean considering plane food, it isn't that big a deal breaker, but not eating heavily while in the air manages to help cope with the jet lag.

4. Stay hydrated

That goes without saying, drink lots of water. Tendency to become dehydrated increases during long flights.

5. Stand up frequently

Sitting for a long time in general has many negative effects, but at high altitudes there is a chance for Deep Vein Thrombosis, which basically means a blood clot is formed in the leg. Why should you be concerned? That clot can break away and block you lungs or heart effectively becoming life threatening… So STAND UP!

And last and finally, hold to your sanity and get to your destination safely!

Safe Travels oh weary soul.

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