When you go to college, it's all too easy to fall out of touch with the people you considered your best friends in high school. However, it doesn't have to be that way, and it isn't all that bad. In fact, having a few long distance BFFs actually has its perks.
1. When you do meet up, you talk for HOURS.
You have so much to tell them. You probably haven't seen them in at least a month, two months or maybe even more. That leaves room for lots and lots of talking. You try, but you just can't tell them everything over a simple text message. You're going to say so much they'll want you to stop talking (as if that's even possible).
2. You get to give them the biggest squeeze of ALL TIME.
When you see them for the first time in forever, you get to give them a massive hug. You're honestly not going to want to let them go for a least a few minutes (maybe even hours, but who's counting).
3. You get to do all of your favorite things together.
You can eat at all your favorite restaurants, paint your nails, watch your favorite movies and do everything you have missed doing without them.
4. You can spend some good old fashioned QUALITY TIME together.
Maybe you go skating together, maybe you just sit and binge-watch a new TV show together, but either way, when you can finally reunite, you spend as much quality time together as possible.
5. You get that warm and fuzzy feeling.
They're your best friends, and every time you see them (and especially when you haven't seen them in a long time), you get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. You're heart is smiling.
6. You spend way too much (in the best of ways)?
You're frugal all year round, but when you and your besties are finally reunited, you spend money on ALL. THE. THINGS. Coffee, food, shopping and more. It's a real good time.
7. You get to see their parents (who are really your second parents).
You love your best friends, but you love their parents too. It's a good time all around.
8. You get to go on the best adventures.
Whether it's an adventure down the street, to the next town over or across the state, when you and your best friends are together, you go on the best adventures ever. Just being in the car with your best friends, driving down the street and listening to music, is a real good time.
9. You treasure every second you spend together.
Every moment you all spend together is extra special because you know you can't do it all the time. If anything, when your time is precious, so are the memories, no matter what.
10. You make the best memories.
And on that note, you get to make the best of memories. They're special, and you'll treasure them forever because when it comes down to it, after you go to college, those memories become few and far between. However, that doesn't mean they're any less special.
No matter how long it has been, there's no greater feeling of friendship than the one you get when you finally reunite with your BFFs.