Being in a long distance relationship is hard. Whether the distance is two minutes or 200 miles, being apart from someone is difficult, especially when that person is a part of you. Valentine's Day, which is the designated holiday of love, ironically can be the hardest day for those in relationships, well, long distance relationships that is. For the people who are "together" but physically far apart, Valentine's Day is a struggle. While I can't promise that this 5 step guide will make the holiday completely enjoyable, I can hope it will make it easier, and I can hope it will bring love to those that are missing someone on this holiday of hearts and flowers.
1. Treat yourself.
If this is the designated holiday of love, that should be a definite signal that some self love is more than acceptable, and most likely necessary. If your boyfriend or girlfriend isn't around, it might seem like a good idea to mope around and whine about missing them. But you know what's a better idea? Buying yourself some candy and watching some quality Rom-Coms.
2. Allow yourself some space from them.
If you're not constantly talking to or thinking about your significant other, it won't be as unbearable to not be with them. As tempting as it is, being that girl or guy who spends their whole life Facetiming their boyfriend or girlfriend isn't going to make the distance any easier. Sure a Valentine's Day text or Facetime is fine, but not for the whole day, and they shouldn't be the only person you talk to.
3. Spread the love.
Reaching out to others on Valentine's Day is a great way to remind yourself that the holiday is supposed to make you, and others, happy. Call a family member, text some friends, and just let the people in your life know that you love them. Even though every television commercial and Valentine's Day movie may try to make it look like the holiday is only for couples, the holiday is truthfully supposed to be just for showing anyone, whether it be boyfriend, girlfriend, family member, or just friend in general, that they are loved.
4. Have something to look forward to with your boyfriend/girlfriend.
Even if you can't spend the holiday together, it will make it less lonely if you have a set date planned where you will be able to see each other. Being in a long distance relationship on Valentine's Day can seem like just a reminder that the person you care about is far away, but if you have a visit planned that's not too far in the future, it will help to make the holiday just one day closer to actually getting to spend time with them.
5. Don't be afraid to still go out and have a good time.
Who says that just because you're feeling sad means you can't go out and manage to have a good time? While having a movie night in pajamas is more than acceptable, just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean you can't still go out on the town and dance the night away with your friends. As it is a holiday, it's supposed to be celebrated, and whether you're in a long distance relationship, or not even in a relationship at all, you deserve to celebrate.