1. Saying goodbye for the first time.
Your car is packed, parents waiting impatiently as you say goodbye to the person you've spent everyday for the past few years with.
2. Trying to calm him down before his first exam.
Encouraging texts only do so much. Gone are the days where you can walk him to class and stay up late studying together.
3. Having to listen to your friends from home talk about how great it is to go to college with their boyfriends.
4. Trying not to get upset when Facetime glitches and won't connect.
5. Sending him a selfie when he asks even though you haven't stopped studying for three days.
6. When he tells you you're beautiful regardless of the aforementioned selfie.
7.Listening to him talk about all the girls he's met.
8. Doing all the things the two of you used to do together.
9. Having your first real breakdown.
Huge thank you to my roommate for staying up with me crying until 2 A.M. Much appreciated.
10. Frantically cleaning the day before they come visit.
11. Finally seeing them for the first time.
I know it's only been three weeks but it feels like a lifetime.
12. Trying to act cool when he asks if you're home sick.
13. Realizing the weekend is over and he has to leave again.
Please just stay here, we can lock ourselves in my dorm and never come out. Who needs class? Who needs a degree? I need cuddles!
14. When it finally hits you that this is your relationship now.
Three more weeks isn't too bad is it? I can do this for the next four years right?
15. Realizing that no matter how hard long distance is, he worth it.
P.S. If anyone every tries to tell you that your relationship is doomed, or that long distance doesn't work, don't believe them for a second. Long distance is hard, don't get me wrong but if you two are willing to put in the effort to be together then nothing can stop you.
P.P.S Even if your long distance relationship doesn't work, just remember, you are a strong beautiful independent woman. Sandy Cheeks never needed a man, and neither do you.