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10 Secrets To surviving The Long Distance Summer Blues

The tale of every modern day college version of "Romeo and Juliet"

10 Secrets To surviving The Long Distance Summer Blues

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You just finished your last final and are taking that first shot of summer freedom. You and your friends are celebrating not having to spend another moment in the library (until the brutal realization of September returns), and then the summer reality of love hits you. Every modern day Romeo and Juliet's worse nightmare: long distance.

You thought you were safe dating in college. The dating pool was filled with more intellectually driven creatures compared to the same old people you spent K-12 with. No more movie dates with the boy who used to eat paste in the first grade. You may have thought to yourself, "Finally, I can put on my grown-up dating shoes. It is time to try out a real relationship." Except, then you get to university and realize that nobody really wants to be settling down at age 18. So after playing your fair game of Tinder and the multiple Chads and Brads, you finally meet someone who shares similar ideas as you. And like the never-ending load of reading you receive, your love takes off.

The terms pass and you to fall deeper in love as the week progress to the final deadlines of the year. And next thing you know, you are at that summer BBQ taking a shot of freedom and then realizing what summer really means in college terms.

Summer. Goodbye relationship. Goodbye midnight Dairy Queen runs. Hello rude awakening of long distance. God, help us.

Soon, you find yourself back in your own hometown watching all the high school couples wondering around at events, and you wish you had your college love bird singing the song of summer romance beside you.

There is no bandage to cover the broken heart that long distance leaves you with. Despite the miles between you two, you can still live the summer of romance with these 10 tips.

1. Good morning texts

Remind your significant other that you care by sending them a sweet morning text to wake up to. During long distance, it is easy to get swept off in your own world. Remind your love that they are still on your mind by showing that first thing in the morning.

2. Pizza delivery

If your partner is having a bad day, find a pizza place close by and pay to have a pizza delivered to them. It is a cute, sneaky way to surprise your love on a bad day.

3. The halfway point

Depending on where you two live, this may work. Find somewhere in between where both of you live, and plan to make a mini road trip vacation to visit them there. For instance, if you both live a ten-hour drive away, meet up somewhere that is five away and spend the weekend together and discover a new town.

4. Movie dates

I practically went through all of Netflix during one of my extensive long distance relationships. Set up Skype, pop some popcorn, and find a movie that both of you want to watch. Then count to three and press play. It sucks that they are not there beside you, but at least you still can hear each other's commentary on the movie. And if all fails, cuddle up with one of their sweaters.

5. Surprises

Scavenge those couch cushions for any extra change. Go and gather recyclable cans and cash them in for money. Instead of going out for an extra coffee run during the week, save up your money to buy a ticket to see your love.

6. Play a video game together

Ready...set...go. Find a video game you both enjoy and play it together.

7. Skype

​Take the time to schedule a Skype date between the two of you. It is vital to show your significant other that no matter the distance, you still are willing to put time aside for them.

8. Playlist

Make a music playlist of all your guys' favorite songs. No matter where you go, you will always have a part of them with you.

9. "I Love You Because..."

A cute, quick and easy gift you can make your partner. Write them a tiny note about why you think they are the bee's knees and have them open up one each day you are apart. When they reach the end it will be the day you two are finally reuniting.

10. Be faithful and respectful

Know that you each have your own life away from college. Just because they are not texting you all day does not mean they don't care. However, if you feel like the relationship is not working at any point, talk to your significant other. It is better to be told the truth then to be cheated on.

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