Never in my wildest dreams, would I had thought that I'd end up in a long-distance relationship. I never even thought that I would be in a situation where I had to choose and that I would say yes! Would I have changed any of it for a second though? Absolutely not.
Most people will tell you that long-distance sucks. They'll tell you it's not worth it, it's too hard, and you can always find somebody else. When in reality, it's not like this AT ALL. If you truly love the person, you'll do anything to keep them. Distance means so little when someone means so much. While the quote may be cheesy and overused, I've never found it more appropriate. Ever since my boyfriend and I became long-distance, I realized that all the people who threw discouraging comments at our choice were people who either never had a strong relationship or were too lazy to put in the work. (It really isn't even a lot of work to be honest.) Long-distance isn't for everyone, and I'm here to be some sort of light for those in one or debating if it's really worth it. Lord knows that I looked for some encouraging articles on long-distance before I started this journey.
Distance means so little when someone means so much. While the quote may be cheesy and overused, I've never found it more appropriate.
The biggest and most important thing in a relationship. I think the reason it's so easy for Nick and me is because for a year, we built a strong foundation of trust and got to know each other better than we even know ourselves. You can't get through this without trust. It's crucial to get to know who they are as a person and have acts of loyalty from both sides to keep the relationship going. Because of this, Nick and I don't worry about the other person being disloyal. However, if there ever comes a moment one of us feels insecure or jealous, we talk it out with open, understanding minds. This leads me to my next key!
I've never been one to talk about what upsets me as soon as it happens. Boy, how I've changed my ways thanks to this relationship. Yes, I know it's not the easiest thing in the world to talk about what troubles you, but it's one of the most useful things you can do.Think about it as if you were going to the gym. Finding the motivation to start is almost impossible, but once you start, it only gets easier. If you continue going to the gym and enforcing this routine, it starts forming into a habit and you feel so good once you've finished. The exact same thing goes for talking it out! It doesn't help to keep it bottled up or else you'll explode on him or her over something small and insignificant. You also have to keep in mind that your partner has to be a good listener, as well. They can't be judgmental or impatient. If your significant other doesn't want to talk and work things out, then maybe it's time to rethink things.
Without love, there is nothing. It's important to get to know your partner's love language. Why? Because while you may show and feel your love in gifts, they may show it through words. If you don't know this about them, you may get your feelings hurt expecting presents at your doorstep every week. I believe that the key to having a passionate love is by acting like you're still trying to get them. Act as if every moment you spend together is better than the last, and you want to make them happier than they were yesterday. It'll get you through all the pessimists, cute couples walking in front of you, and of course, the distance.
Make memories. Nick and I like to say that this past year we've made enough memories to last a lifetime. Take family vacations together. Spend days exploring the city and finding spots to call yours. Create something together! Bake, paint, or even carve pumpkins. It'll give the both of you so many happy, hilarious moments to look back on AND make you excited to make some more!
Nick and I like to say that this past year we've made enough memories to last a lifetime.
Bottom line is that long-distance relationships can be as easy or as hard as you want them to be. It all depends on if you're both willing to put in the work and realize that you'll be together in the end - and that's all that really matters! To quote John Wooden, "Things work out the best for those who make the best of the way things work out."