Any person in a long distance relationship can tell you that it is one of the hardest obstacles they've ever had to overcome. They're not for the faint of heart.
My boyfriend and I have been in a long-distance relationship since May of 2016, and I will tell you there are some times where I feel like giving up because the burden is too heavy to carry. In those moments, I am reminded of how much I love him and it suddenly becomes lighter. This is why it is important to remember that distance is not the enemy, and no matter what the world tells you, it is possible to have a long-distance relationship as long as you are both committed to each other.
It strengthens your communication skills.
Since long-distance couples have little to no physical contact going on, it might be harder to get your point across when your partner can't see your non-verbal communication. Especially when you're talking over the phone, it can be difficult to understand what the other person might be trying to say. Phone calls are challenging because it makes us be open and honest with the other person, and to compensate where the non-verbals are not present. It challenges you to open your heart and be really honest about what's going on inside.
It makes you more excited to see them again.
Sometimes, it really does feel like absence makes the heart grow fonder. My boyfriend and I usually never go over a month without seeing each other, and the last days in the single digits can end up feeling tortuous because it's almost over. Even though being together is a great blessing, but if you see each other every single day, it might be possible to fall into a routine or become indifferent. Distance gives a little space for more excitement.
If you can survive being long-distance, you can survive anything.
Since long distance relationships can be difficult, it makes some moments a little easier because you know you can get through anything. It's like the ultimate test and a really good sign of true commitment. If both people are fully committed, there is nothing to fear.
In the end, don't be afraid if you and your significant other have to enter into a period of long distance. I used to be terrified of it until I actually had to do it myself. It'll be okay, and as long as you are both committed to each other, then it will all work out in the long run. The distance really does not have to be an enemy, and the best thing to do is to find the positive in any situation. One of the greatest things that gets me through the day is that I know, one day all of this will be over. We will be together again.