The high school years are over and the normal days of being only five minutes away from your best friend are saved for long breaks. Now, you are both at different universities starting your adult life. You could be an hour or seventeen hours away from their campus, but you never feel like you guys miss a beat. Sure, long distance is hard. But in the long run, the ingredients to make it survive actually help the friendship thrive.
1. You don't get into constant fights.
You may really love each other and want the best, but if you are spending every free moment with your BFF... chances are that you two will get pretty annoyed with each other. Especially when that time of the month comes around. So the distance kind of becomes your friend because instead of being annoyed with you, BFF Jill will be annoyed with the girls she hangs out with. You're safe from her wrath but you are going to be the ears to her venting.
2. When you reunite, there are fireworks.
Not in a romantic way of course. But after weeks/months of not seeing your person, there's bound to be some screaming of excitement. Like this is the person who knows you better than you know yourself and you haven't seen her in a while. Your significant other/family can chill for 15 minutes or so as you are just too hype to see your "soulmate."
3. The catching up.
You met up at 3 PM and it's now 4 AM You have been sitting in a room eating every single type of junk food, semi-watching Grey's Anatomy, and gabbing about all of the stupid stuff that has happened since the last time you saw her. Whether it's about boys, your love for your sorority, or that embarrassing time you tripped in front of everyone at the library; It's all being said with Ben and Jerry's by your side.
4. The goodbye.
While it's really hard to say goodbye, you know that you had fun doing crazy stuff with your BFF. Once she gets in the car to go back to her campus, you shed a few tears. But then you put a new countdown in your phone to the next time you'll see her again. T-MINUS 5 WEEKS.
5. The cycle continues.
Reasons 1-4 are on repeat for quite a while. But they all prove one thing: that this friendship truly means something to both parties. You can't live without the other person. While there may be a few days or weeks when you won't talk, the random phone call at 12:30 AM will be like nothing skipped a beat.Â
Distance sucks, but I have found that it truly strengthens a friendship and makes it better for each person involved. While it may get hard, you come to realize that it's all worth it.  Â