Dear long distance best friend,
I remember when I first met you. It was during your freshman bowling season. I also remember we made goofy nicknames for each other. (I can’t remember what they were, but I’m sure they were embarrassing.) It feels like just yesterday that I would drive 5 minutes down the road to your house. We would sit out by the pool until we got bored, then figure out something else to do. We had summers filled with bonfires, bowling and not a care in the world besides the cute boy we were talking to. Now, we're 500 miles away and we no longer have that luxury. All we are left with are Facetimes, occasional phone calls and waiting until the next time we see each other. I know our friendship has changed, but that’s okay.
Know that I appreciate you so much. Although our friendship has changed, we’ve both grown so much. Sometimes people go off to college and grow apart. That didn’t happen with us. College made us closer. Making new friends is inevitable, but thank you for not forgetting about me when you made new friends. Even though we made these other friends, we never forgot who was there from the beginning.
Despite being so far away, you are one of my biggest supporters. You never fail to cheer me up and tell me that everything is going to be okay. You always know what to say in any situation. I am so thankful for that. I know it isn’t easy to be so far away and still have the relationship we have. We are both so busy with school, work, sports, but we still find time to talk and catch up.
I know that the normal college kid doesn’t go to bed at 10, but thank you for being so understanding when I do go to bed so early and can’t stay up all night. Thank you for sticking with me through everything I go through. Thank you for always listening when I have a bad day or just need to vent. Thank you for being honest with me even when it’s hard for me to hear. I can’t thank you enough for all that you do for me. Thank you for being you.
Even though we may not talk everyday anymore, we pick up right where we left off, like nothing has changed when we do talk. We don’t have to talk every day to know where we stand.
Our friendship is so incredibly important to me. You’ve been there since day one, and I don’t ever see that changing. Always remember that you will forever have a special place in my heart.
Your long distance best friend.