Every day I miss you. Somedays, it's less clear to me than it is on other days.
When I run from one internship to another, and then home to do work for my online class or catch up with my parents – I don't have enough time to think about you as much as I'd like or tell you how much I love you. Yet, you're there. You're at the back of my mind, always. You're the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last person that crosses my mind before I go to bed.
When I know I'm going to see you soon, my heart just spends the nights and days counting the days left.
I can almost feel you holding me close, and hearing your heartbeat when I press my head against your chest. I can almost feel you kissing me dearly and holding my hand as we drive back from the airport. I can almost feel you looking at me with that precious smile of yours. I can almost feel you next to me, but it is nothing compared to being in your presence. And it's never going to be comparable. No matter how hard I wish for you to be with me, it doesn't change the fact that you aren't here.
And I want you to know, that regardless of how far away you are from me – whether it be 500 miles or 1,000 – I still love you just the same, and I wouldn't change what we have for anything.
Nobody said that being 534 miles away from the person you love was going to be easy. As a matter-of-fact, everyone said it would be hard to handle (to say the least). And now, five-hundred and forty days after the first time I spoke to you and had the unwavering feeling that I'd fall in love with you, here I am – very much madly in love with you.
You have become my best friend, my confidante, my shoulder to cry on, the person I share things with who I'd never share with anyone else.
I can't picture myself with anyone else. I can't imagine loving anyone else the way I love you. I can't imagine looking at anyone the way I look at you. And, 534 miles may seem like a lot, they might be a daunting distance to overcome but when what awaits at the other side is so good and so worth it – you realize it's worth every effort, every day and night of longing, and even every bit of the pain that a long-distance relationship often carries.
534 miles have nothing on us. They have nothing on you or me.
They have nothing on the magnitude of love I feel for you. Because of the incredible ability we have had to endure this often painful distance, and because of the great love and care we have for one another – one day, 534 miles will turn into 0 – I promise.