It's that time of year again; the time where hometown friends leave to go their separate ways at college. As hard as this can be, you're lucky if you have a long distance BFF in your life, so shoot her a text saying thanks. Here's why:
1. In order to update her on your life, you have to call or text her.
As much of a hassle it is to reiterate everything that has happened since the last time you spoke (aka two hours ago), it forces you to think about your actions as you say them out loud. You realize in hindsight that you may have overreacted, or that guy really is a jerk.
2. Since most of your communication is by phone, she's ready to pick up the phone at any time, any hour.
Even if it's three in the morning and you want to update her on the cute Italian boy you just met.
3. She makes your phone interesting.
She's always texting you, and on the rare occasions when she's not texting you, she is snap chatting you. Even though you barely see her in person, you feel like you're with her when you receive that ugly two second snap to cheer you up when you're on the struggle bus.
4. You can always call her for advice.
She gives the best perspective, especially because she doesn't really know your college friends. She can wrap her mind around the situation and tell you if you're wrong, because she isn't partial to the situation.
5. You don't have to worry about her telling anyone about what you say.
You have different friend groups, she has no way to tattle. (But she does know who you're talking about, their name, what they look like, and if they're on your shit list, even though she's never met them.)
6. When you do get to see your long distance BFF, it's like Christmas in June.
Since your summers together are short-lived, it's the perfect excuse to make crazy, shambley memories together.