As I took a walk, as I often do when my mind is filled with too many thoughts, I noticed how alone I was. Not in a sense of literal solitude. The streets were busy; people all around. However, there I was feeling like the zombie apocalypse had finally happened. There was just my loneliness and I, walking hand in hand, down the street. Don't get me wrong, I love my alone time but some days are just harder to swallow than others. The loneliness creeps up in the back of your throat waiting for you to open your mouth so that he may peek out and get a bit of fresh air. My relationship with loneliness is long term. I accept that. Today, was just one of those days. The following poem is a product of that loneliness:
Loneliness Poem for the Lonely
I douse myself in work
to hide the stench of lonely
drinking brown heaven to cover
up the taste of the devil on my tongue
I can't find me
the me that you knew
I think she died
when you put her dreams to bed
and heart on the cutting board
Though rather short, this poem expresses how heavy loneliness can be physically. The point isn't to wallow unmovable in your own self-pity. It's to acknowledge those feelings, accept them, and move forward by expressing them. By moving forward, tomorrow doesn't seem so bleak. The next day is welcomed, regardless of how loathsome today is.