9 Artists You Need To See At Lollapalooza 2017 | The Odyssey Online
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9 Artists You Need To See At Lollapalooza 2017

The performances are what makes this festival possible and some incredible energy is created from them.

9 Artists You Need To See At Lollapalooza 2017
EDM Chicago

People from all over the world travel to the city of Chicago for Lollapalooza each year. The festival has been bringing people together through music since 1991. The performances are what makes this festival possible and some incredible energy is created from them. Year after year, the festival hosts some amazing talent in Grant Park. This year's lineup has some pretty awesome artists coming to perform. Here are 9 performers to check out at this year's Lollapalooza.

1. Jon Bellion

Bellion is hands down one of the best performers I have ever seen live. He has the Beautiful Mind band, along with him, and they just rock the stage. The whole band loves to be up there and put on a show for the audience. It will be an experience that you will never forget. Be sure to catch Jon’s set on Thursday at 6:00 at Tito’s Handmade Vodka stage.

2. Cage The Elephant

Photo Credit: Coin Lane

I have been wanting to see a live performance from Cage The Elephant since I heard about them in high school from a buddy. You can expect an awesome rock performance from these guys. They will be performing Thursday on the Grant Park stage at 6:30.

3. Chance The Rapper

Photo Credit: Frankie Vergara

This is a performance you do not want to miss. Chance will be performing in his hometown for the festival and that could mean some surprises. At his own festival, Magnificent Coloring Day, he brought out Kanye West. Who knows what Chance could have up his sleeve for Lollapalooza. He’ll be performing on Saturday night on the Grant Park stage at 8:30.

4. Blink-182

Photo Credit: Jacob Giampa

This band is known by so many people and it would be so cool to experience a live show of theirs. Blink-182 is going to put on an unforgettable show that you shouldn’t miss out on. It will be one of the highlights of the weekend, in my opinion. They will be performing on Friday at 8:45 on the Bud Light stage.

5. Vance Joy

Photo Credit: Fiona Goodall

Vance Joy is will be one of the best performances of the festival without a doubt. Imagine a huge crowd of people singing all of the words to his hit song, “Riptide.” I can’t wait to see how amazing that will be to experience. Vance has some other great songs that he will be performing as well. His set will be on Saturday at 5:00 on the Bud Light stage.

6. Whethan

Photo Credit: Matthew Rennie

In my opinion, attending Whethan’s set is a no-brainer. He is a talented young artist making a name for himself in the music industry. He’s currently on tour with The Chainsmokers and has previously done his own tour. He is from the south suburbs of Chicago and is building a solid fan base from the bottom up. His set will be Sunday on Tito’s Handmade Vodka stage at 8:00.

7. Stanaj

Photo Credit: Nicky Stanaj

Stanaj is an incredibly talented singer/songwriter from New York. His live performances are quite the experience and I can confidently say that from attending his show at Illinois State University with JoJo. He really knows how to work an audience and get them into it. He will be performing on the BMI stage at 4:30 on Thursday.

8. Russ

Photo Credit: Steven Taylor

Russ is an artist I have been waiting to see for a while now. He is an independent artist that does everything from the production of beats to the mixing/mastering of tracks; he does it all. I have never experienced one of his live performances but I am very excited to see him live. Catch his set on Saturday at 5:15 on the Pepsi stage.

9. Milky Chance

Photo Credit: Carsten Wilde

If you are looking for a set with some good vibes, Milky Chance is who you need to see. They have a few hit songs under their belt including their debut single in 2013, "Stolen Dance." Their set with be on Sunday at 5:00 on the Bud Light stage.

Besides the nine artists I mentioned, there are a ton of great artists performing at Lollapalooza this year. The festival is a great experience that you should not miss! If you haven't got tickets yet, be sure to do so!

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