Nabokov’s globally renowned and distinguished novel “Lolita” was originally published in 1955. A depraved narrative of blatant sexual abuse was critically acclaimed by intellectuals and I’m hoping also, a healthy quantity of their counterparts. While there’s no denying that the immigrant author’s dominion of the English language is astounding, an account of rape swathed in ornate prose is an account of rape nonetheless. There are so many wildly inaccurate and erroneous interpretations of this story that it physically hurts, one of the most rage provoking being that Dolores was innately sexually precocious. When a 12 yr. old child is loomed by a middle aged chief manipulator, and complies out of fear and out of the natural sheer ignorance that accompanies that age, it is a survival instinct- not reciprocated lust.
Yet, here we are bordering 2017, supposedly more evolved and progressive than ever and we are still pushing this tale of horror as one of the most enriching classics of the 20th century. As if that weren’t alarming enough, young girls who don’t even care to read are now receiving the subliminal message that acting ditsy and submissive is what’s sexy- but that’s not that worst of it. Artists like Melanie Martinez, Lana del Rey and The Veronicas have been using Lolita’s revolting appeal to men to create a child-like sensual image, subtly hypersexualizing actual children and inciting pedophiles everywhere.
Another aspect to analyze is whether this sort of thing is actually ingrained in our psych, as women in general. Do you catch yourself heightening your pitch to appease your partner? Twirling your hair, acting incapable to nurse his ego? Mirroring traits that are coincidentally innate traits in children? As it seems to be a theme whenever I’m protesting a societal issue, this is also byproduct of the patriarchy. Seeing experienced, smart and self-sufficient adult women was never in the plan of men throughout history.
So here I am, at the electronics store looking at an album cover sporting a candid photo of a fully-grown female with a pacifier in her mouth, wearing a onesie that conveniently highlighted all of her best assets in the utmost kid friendly pastel shades. I just literally need a moment to lead everyone to the light so we can collectively agree that this is disgusting. It’s not art- it’s fueling mentally ill criminals, it’s taking something that’s supposed to be sacred and tainting it. The USA as a whole, need to learn how to preserve a child’s innocence longer than we do. By being reckless with celebrity platforms in this manner, they are sending a message that says “Hey, it’s OK that kids turn you on! You’re not in need of serious psychiatric intervention at all!” As of 2016, 1 in 5 little girls is sexually abused. To say it’s an epidemic is an understatement. It doesn’t help to celebrate pervert authors or make music videos in which you’re wearing a baby bonnet and red lipstick while getting spoon fed by your father. Seriously, stop- it’s gross and universally morally incorrect. Just because something is taboo doesn't make it fair game to make you edgy. Children, their nature and their lives shouldn't be subject to potential endangerment so you can fulfill a repulsively ancient fetish. It all stems from the principle of having better and more genuine regard for one another. Protecting kids is especially important because, they can't always speak for themselves. Let's please ditch the child's play scene and replace it with something a tad less ethically deplorable.