Donald Trump has suffered some major setbacks in his campaign recently. I know this is hardly breaking news, but a video was discovered by "The Washington Post" that shows a side of Trump that is less than presidential. In the video, Trump is talking with Bobby Bush, formerly of Inside Edition while wearing a microphone as part of Bush’s show. They joke around and assert their masculinity and all would be well and good, except for the way they talk about women.
While I understand that the way you act varies depending on who you’re with, this particular situation made my skin crawl. When he ran for president, Donald Trump was basically announcing that he was worthy of the trust and respect of citizens everywhere, but I really question that he is after hearing how he talks about women. It's demeaning to be talked about like you are anything less than a unique person with your own varied and interesting life.
This event gained so much publicity because Donald Trump was involved and it was at a pivotal point in his campaign, but it highlighted issues that already exist in our society today. No one deserves to be treated like they were placed on this earth for someone else ogle. Women are not works of art, they are people with opinions and personalities that are valid and worthy of hearing. No one should be thought of as less than someone else because of the way they look, and no one should be rated based on their physical attributes. That is disgusting.