Local Buzz: Top 5 Bellingham Coffee Shops
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Local Buzz: Top 5 Bellingham Coffee Shops

Here's a list of the top 5 Bellingham coffee shops to get your roast at.

Local Buzz: Top 5 Bellingham Coffee Shops
The Friendly Cup

I once heard a rumor that Bellingham has one of the highest numbers of coffee shops per capita in the United States.

While I don’t have data to back that up, I bet that if you drive around town, you will see a coffee shop on every block.

Being a mere two hours north of Seattle, the coffee capital of the world, Bellingham will surely not disappoint your craving for a dark roast.

Here are the top coffee shops in Bellingham based on their roast, location and atmosphere.

1. Tony’s Coffeehouse

When you hear “Tony’s Coffee,” most likely you would think of the bagged coffee you can buy at Haggen and Fred Meyer, or you think of the coffee sold on campus at Western.

What you may not know is that Tony’s Coffee began brewing their coffee in a small shop in Fairhaven in 1971, and continue to serve coffee in the same location to this day.

Located in the historical 1888 Terminal Building, Tony’s Coffee is the perfect place to sit and read a book on a sunny day.

Their coffee is my favorite in Bellingham, and I continue to purchase bag after bag to drink every day.

Location: 1101 Harris Ave.

2. The Black Drop Coffee House

Yes, they have awesome, hand-roasted coffee (winner Best Coffee House 2005-2008, 2010-current).

Yes, the location is perfect to hangout in with their free board games (winner Best Rainy Day Place).

But what I love about this coffee house the most is that it’s an employee-owned co-op…how Bellingham. Three employees bought the roast shop back in 2009, and are still the one’s brewing your coffee every day.

Location: 300 W Champion St.

3. The Woods Coffee

This local Bellingham coffee chain company started with their first store in Lynden in 2002 and have since opened 14 others stores in Whatcom County.

There are seven locations here in Bellingham, including on Railroad Ave., and even inside the Sehome Haggen. But the location that is my favorite has to be down on Boulevard Park.

You get breathtaking views of the bay from their floor to ceiling windows while also enjoying a cup of classic Bellingham coffee.

Location: 470 Bayview Dr.

4. Lettered Streets Coffeehouse

Known for its bright red porch, the Lettered Streets Coffeehouse is Bellingham’s old-school comfort joint. It’s settled in the Pickett building, which has been standing since 1890.

What makes this coffeehouse so special is the rich history that the building has. First it was a grocery store, then a mattress store, skate shop, recording studio, and much more.

Toad Mountain Coffee occupied the building until 2007, when former managing baristas took over to create the Lettered Streets Coffeehouse.

There’s a total sense of community when you walk in the door, and it's a place you can relax on your Sunday morning.

Location: 1001 Dupont St.

5. Caffe Adagio

This European style coffee house is not what you would think of when you hear Pacific Northwest coffee. But in my opinion, Caffe Adagio has some of the best coffee around.

I actually went there with my parents when they moved me into my dorm my freshman year at Western.

This isn’t a sit around and read coffee house, but the coffee itself is enough for you to stop in when you walk by. It’s a true Italian coffee shop, and the fact that it’s family-owned makes it perfect to round out the list.

Location: 1435 Railroad Ave.

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