In this day and age, trusting others and being open towards another individual can be difficult. Certain concerns come to mind that are all factors. Is this person trustworthy? What's their reputation with others like? How do they treat others? Personally, coming from the perspective of a twenty-year-old, my advice would be to just live your life honestly regardless of whatever the consequence.
Be true to you in a sense.
Even reminiscing back to different parts of my life where I've either been confronted or asked any question, I almost regret the answers I gave just to spare one's feelings. I found out recently that it's way safer to be one who is completely honest and lives their truths rather than to conform to the thought of what people will think of you afterward. Although other individuals that receive your bluntness or honesty may see it as a form of disrespect, take it from someone who tries to live like this now. At the end of the day when I look at myself in the mirror, I can look and say to myself, "I respect you" because I know that I gave my utmost honest opinion or answer.