For a lot of people, living with their dad during college would be a nightmare. I however think that saving thousands of dollars in return for free food and my own room sounds pretty sweet. Now living with my dad isn't all peaches and daisies we do struggle seeing eye to eye on a lot of situations, but in the long run who is better to live with than someone that makes up 50 percent of you?
1. When you live on your own you are used to buying and using your products how you like, and for some reason everything at home works insanely different. The washing machine isn't heavy duty and you can't just leave your dirty dishes on the counter. Your dad is used to doing his own thing when he lived without you for a year and sometimes adjusting to that takes a little practice, and things will be broken in the process.
2. Even though your dad may support you over the school year, he never fully realized that you spend about 90 to 100 percent of your paycheck on a weekly basis. Being a college student is hard, buying colorful pillows and new candles is easy. So when you walk in the house every week with new bags of goodies and a Starbucks drink in your hand, there is bound to be a fight over how much money is in your savings account.
3. One of the perks of living with your dad however is that he will always be willing to buy you food, as long as you go pick it up. Pizza? Sure! Chinese? You bet! Hey will you go get the groceries? As long as you are buying things for the whole house, you can buy as much food as your little heart desires.
4. On the other hand, of course you are a college student and your father has been around much longer than you, so obviously you have different opinions. This is especially true in reference to the political debates and who you are voting for. Sometimes you both get a little too heated and say things you don't really mean, but instead it is all for arguments sake. The good thing about him being your dad is he will always have to forgive you.
5. Another perk of living with your dad is always having him around incase you want to go shopping. "Hey, I know you bought me *this thing* last week, but there is this *other thing* that I really need RIGHT NOW! Please i won't ask for anything else for a very long time! I promise."
6. But the downfall of him always being around is him opening your door and asking a bunch of questions while you're in the middle of a very important Netflix binge. Excuse me sir, I know you pay for every single thing in my life, but would you mind doing this at another time? I am in my cave, this is the only place I have to get away. I need my space. And the worst thing is, without a doubt, if he opens the once closed door to my room, it will stay open. DEAR PARENTS EVERYWHERE CLOSE MY DOOR WHEN YOU LEAVE MY ROOM!
7. But when you call it your room it becomes "His House", "His Door", "His Rules". Where was all of this when chores were being dispersed? As soon as it comes to vacuuming the shared space living room, it becomes our house. Yes I know he pays the bills, this is all a joke. Mostly.
8. So yes I may be hard to live with all the time, but there isn't another person that I could stand to live with as much as I can with you. (Except probably Kelly). I may drive you crazy, but it's worth is in the end. Thank for everything you do for me! You really deserve the BEST DAD award.