"At your age, I regret not doing..." I hear the words more often than not, but yet they always went in one ear and out the other. We all hear it but do we really listen to the emotion behind the sentence. I never knew the significance behind the words until I had my first big regret. There is so much power behind regrets. Regrets can drive anyone down a dark path. I was someone who believed you could go your entire time on this earth and not have a single regret, but now I realize it is impossible not to regret something. I do not think the key to living life is trying to live without regrets, but to be able to live with the regrets you have.
Living with regrets is extremely hard especially the ones you wish you did not have to live with. I want to be able to live my life in such a way that even if I regret something my regrets will not keep me up at night. I want to live a life embracing opportunities even when they are not traditional.
I do not want to live my life in fear. I think a lot of people have their regrets because they were fearful of the consequences that could come from that decision. I do not want to live my life care less and wasting opportunities, but I do want to be care free. I want to make choices I can live with and when I look back on I will not be disappointed in the choices I made.
Life is too short to wish you would have done something differently. I do not want to lay awake at night pondering what if I made different decisions. I do not want to be upset and not be able to live with my regrets. I know and believe everything happens for a reason, but I also believe we play a role in our fate.
Sometimes we have to just go all in and realize that it may be better to say "Maybe, I should not have done that." than " wonder what if". The what if's keep us up at night. I think it is all deciding what type of life you want for yourself and going for it.
I am not really sure what the best way to live your life is. It is all about finding who we are and fighting every day to be the best version of that person we can be. You may regret not moving a 1,000 miles away or you may regret moving that far away, but it all depends on what type of person you are. Embrace that person and you will always be able to live with the choices you made. Never question your gut instinct, because deep down we always know what we want. I think that is how you are able to live with the regrets you may have down the road is knowing who you are and what you want out of this world.
So, life your life in such a way you do not fear regrets. My life motto is: Die with memories and not dreams.