My least favorite thing about the stage of life I'm in right now is living with uncertainty. Not having enough money to cover all expenses and wondering when that time will come. Yes, I'm banking on the fact that I will do just fine when I finish college and have a full-time job. But then I wonder what I should do to make more money until that time comes. It just seems like there aren't enough hours in the day to take care of your house, fiance and children, part-time job, and all the time school.
I do my best to be happy in the situation I'm in, but I can't wait until we can buy/build a house, I graduate, and get started in my career. That is when I will breathe a sigh of relief.
I just want to be able to provide as much as my family wants and needs and to be comfortable with everything. Isn't that what everyone wants?
So in the mean time, it is very beneficial to be happy, relax, and make the most of what you have. I like to have time to myself, play guitar, use lavender in my diffuser to relax, take a hot shower, and read the Bible. I try to focus on who and what are important in my life and that make me happy.
It is difficult, but once you get to where you're going, it'll all be worth it.
-Kaitlyn H. Evans