When it comes to living with a stubborn drama queen, life never has a dull moment. This is for all of the cat people out there who know and experience this type of lifestyle. Having a cat (or multiple) can leave someone feeling a whirlwind of emotions. These emotions can include: happiness, confusion, suspicion, fear, anger, defeat, forgiveness, and eventually love, all within the time-span of about five minutes. Regardless of how they make you feel, the cats don't care. You are inferior, while they reign supreme. Here are just a few of the all-too-real struggles.
The cat must always follow you to the bathroom.
Whether the cat wants to drink from the sink or just wants to be loved while you do your business, there is no escaping the constant attention your cat needs and demands. To them, there is no alone time. You're just going to have to get used to using the bathroom with someone is watching you.
The cat refuses to let you use your laptop.
Once the cat has made its way onto your laptop, there is no stopping it. No matter what you do, no matter where you go, the cat will find you and sit on your keyboard. I wrote several essays with the help of my cat sitting on my keyboard, adding extra letters and words. Even now as I am writing this, there is a cat trying to sit on my laptop. It is inevitable.
The cat must wake you up at 3 a.m. every single night.
It never goes without fail that your cat must wake you up every night. Most of the time, it is for no better reason then to simply be loved. You've been asleep for too long, and that is displeasing to the royal highness. You can try shutting them out of your room, but good luck with the constant meowing and scratching.
The cat will be into anything and everything you bring into your home.
Along with never having any alone time, get used to never having anything to call your own. It is your cat's personal duty to investigate and tear up every single object in the house. Curiosity killed the cat, you know. You just need to accept that your cat views your furniture, plants and priceless belongings as a jungle gym that they must defeat every day.
The cat will eat your food, then throw it up all over the house (and yes, you will step in it).
Living with a cat is definitely the best and most interesting part of my day.