The sad truth about life nowadays is that many people struggle with the inner demon of anxiety, and often times it is accompanied with depression. I have struggled with anxiety since a very young age. I would lay there at night and worry about the possibility of natural disasters happening. Tornados, floods, earthquakes (living in Grand Junction you should understand how ridiculous that is). My mother recognized this in me before I was old enough to even understand what it was.
Now being 18 years old, it is worse than ever. I've spent years trying different medications and therapy to try and help and never had any luck. It got the point I decided it will never get better. I just need to get used to it because this will be my life. I sit at work and constantly think about everything I need to do at home. I sit at home and think about everything I need to do at work. I can't seem to concentrate on any given task. I am always on edge, wondering when my next anxiety attack would creep up on me. I dread bed time because it gives me that much more time to worry about anything and everything.
Society as a whole seems to sweep anxiety and depression under the rug. People who have never experienced these often believe they are easy to control, like with an on/of switch. If you struggle with one or both of these, talk to someone about it. Think of ways that help yourself relax. These are both very real issues, and without taking the steps you can to help them they will continue to control your life.
Through my many years of struggling with this, I've found a couple different ways to help cope. The first one is yoga, which I feel is very underrated. It helps you clear your mind which is one of the things I have the hardest time with. It forces you to stop and breathe for a second and think about only yourself.
When you feel an anxiety attack coming, step outside and breathe deep long breaths. Maybe even take a walk. Focus on your breathing and everything around you. The trees, the wind, the sun, the rocks on the sidewalk. Take everything in and try to relax.
Exercising is known to help with both anxiety and depression. Walking, running, swimming or going to the gym. Everyone is different and handles things differently. Try different types of exercise and see which one helps you in the ways you need.
Before bed, try drinking chamomile tea. Sit by yourself, focus on your breathing and relax. This has really helped me be able to get to sleep rather than being consumed by my anxiety as I lay in bed.
One of the best things you can do is talk to others. There is a huge relief you feel when you open up to someone about your struggles, and it can help more than you think.
If you struggle with these, remember you are not alone. Living with anxiety and/or depression is not something to be embarrassed of and is not something to push under the rug. You do not have to live your life that way, there are many things you can do to try and help. You deserve to live a happy life.