And just when you think that it will stay away, thinking "it shouldn't happen again, one is bad enough", it comes back. The most difficult part is whether or not people are going to notice it going on, making you more self-conscious, making the anxiety worse.
All you want to do is run out of the room and struggle in peace...or does that even make any sense? Having an anxiety attack in peace? Sure it does, having this attack with nobody watching over you constantly asking if you're okay or even worse telling you everything is going to be okay.
You know things will eventually be okay but at that moment they're not, hence the attack. So, no thanks Judy, I rather you did not watch me struggle to breathe.
It's difficult to explain to anyone what's going through your mind at that moment because not you know. Sometimes things just get overwhelming and you push these thoughts to the back of your mind because you don't want it to interfere with the day but then the monsters come back better than ever. It's like It knows just when to come back. Anxiety attacks can last from ten minutes up to an hour or can just put you to sleep because of how draining they are.
Small things trigger them. Someone can say the slightest comment making you self-conscious causing this attack. They can make the slightest gesture and boom there it is. It's waiting to come out, without warning. All of us live with monsters, some worse than others, doesn't mean we can downplay one.
We just have to be conscious of what we say and who we say it around. Anxiety is ready to prowl at any second, but don't give it the power to destroy you. You're better than what those monsters make out to be.