Picture this. You're surrounded by 50 energetic, loud women all day, every day. You're not just in an organization with them. You live with them. You're literally around them 24/7 with very little privacy and quiet.
To most people, it might sound like a nightmare. But to sorority women it's one of the most exciting times of their college career: living in the sorority house. I'll be moving into my sorority house next semester. I've heard so many things, often contradictory, about living in a sorority house that I don't even know what to expect.
However, I know some things are set in stone, and I absolutely cannot wait for move in day. Here are a few reasons why I'm so excited to be able to live in my sorority house next year:
The House
I mean, just look at this house. It's absolutely gorgeous and to be able to say that I live there? Wow. I mean just Google Image search "sorority house" and you'll be able to see all of the amazingly beautiful homes. How many people get the opportunity to live in a house like that? I'm so thankful that I'm one of the few that gets that chance.
The Room
Going through sorority recruitment, I was in awe at the bedrooms. They were all so cute and expertly decorated. I can't wait for my room to be the one potential new members see as they walk through the house. Yes, it may be difficult at first to keep it clean for recruitment. But you better believe that my roommates and I are going to go all out.
My Roommates
Speaking of my roommates, I've got two of the very best people ready to live with me (and deal with all of the good and bad of me) for a full year. If it weren't for my sorority, I never would have met these women. I'm so fortunate and so grateful that I'm going to be living with some of my favorite people in the world and growing even closer to them than I was before.
The People
There are going to be 47 other women I get to live with. 47 other people who I get to share my tears, joy, and fears with. I don't know all of these women well yet, but I'm so excited to be able to say after this year that I will be. There's going to be ups and downs. There's undoubtedly going to be some conflict. With 50 people living under one roof, I would be surprised if there weren't some bumps in the road. But the thing I'm most excited about is being able to overcome those differences and recognize that we are all in this together. I know I can count on these people to always have my back, to always support me when I'm down, and to spend time with me. And on top of that... the other 200 women in my sorority will periodically make trips in and out of the house. There will probably always be a visitor and a friendly face.
The Experience
I can't wait for the dinner conversations and the laughs and the sleepless nights spent talking. I can't wait for the movie marathons or just quietly doing homework together. I can't wait to be able to just walk through the house and yell if anyone wants to get food, knowing that I'll probably get 10 yells back because let's be real... we live for food, forever and always. I can't wait to always have a gym buddy or a person to give me a hug when I need it most. I can't wait to get ready with 49 of my best friends for dances, nights out, or just a day of classes. I can't wait to spend next year surrounded by positivity.
I have already learned so much and gained so much from my time as a sorority woman. I absolutely cannot wait to continue this journey with this group. To all of the women I'll be living with...first, I want to thank you in advance for putting up with me for the next nine months of our lives. Second, I want to just say that I know we're going to have the best year yet and I can't wait for all of the good times ahead of us.