Everyone wants to feel a sense of purpose in their lives. This purpose usually relates to how we spend our time, money and energy. In the newly released documentary, "MINIMALISM: A Documentary about the Important Things," Joshua Fields Milburn and Ryan Nicodemus--also known as The Minimalists--address this very issue.
Josh and Ryan take us through their journey to minimalism, how they started on the path to simpler living, as well introduce us to other important influencers in the area of minimalism.
The film has three different stories that run throughout, all interwoven within each other. These include the transformation and lifestyle of Josh and Ryan, the effects of advertising on our lives and the environmental impact of consumerism (and the discontent it creates) in our lives.
Both men in their 30s went from making over six-figure salaries to completely walking away to a much simpler life, finding joy and happiness in their new lifestyle.
“There’s nothing wrong with consumption, its compulsory consumption,” says Joshua. “We’re tired of it. We’re tired of acquiring things because it’s what we’re ‘supposed to do.’ ”
The idea of minimalism, as presented in the film, is that it’s not just about simply getting rid of all your “stuff.” That is indeed part of it, but a lot of the minimalist lifestyle has to do with taking control of your life and mindset--getting rid of the excess and things that don’t bring your life value to make room and time for the things that do.
“There’s no way out until you become aware. You’re not going to get happier by consuming more. In the end, love people, use things,” says Joshua. “The opposite, just doesn’t work.”
You can find out about the film here, and catch up with The Minimalists on their website to read more.