We've all had our fair share of negativity in our lives, whether it emanates from others or from ourselves. There will always be a handful of people that you'll encounter who just can't seem to find a ray of sunshine amidst their storm clouds; bad moods and grumpy attitudes are just a part of life sometimes, but they don't always have to be! Learning how to have a positive outlook on life will not only bring a strong sense of joy into your own life- it will also make a lasting impact on the people around you. Living positively keeps you happy, healthy, and on your toes, and will give you a sense of optimism and confidence like never before! Here are some ways to keep your spirits up and your chin high:
1. Surround yourself with people who lift you up
It's hard to have a positive outlook on life when the people you interact with on a daily basis are constantly weighing you down with their own negativity and complaints. Sure, it's awesome if you are a great listener and an easily approachable person (kudos to you), but if that's all that people use you for, it can really start to bring you down as well. Spend your time with people who motivate and encourage you, who are confident in who they are, and who won't let you out of anything without trying it first; these are the people who you can count on in any situation and who will love you for everything that you are!
2. Don't think about it too much
I can definitely attest to being an avid over-thinker. I like to be analytical and cautious- which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it can ultimately lead to me talking myself out of experiences that could have been really great. It's much more satisfying to know that you took the opportunity win-or-lose than to not have taken it at all; and if it ends up bad, well, at least you've got a hilarious story to tell! Don't miss out on something just because you're scared to try.
3. Get out of your comfort zone
This sort of tags along with the tip you just read, but it goes just a little bit further. Getting out of your comfort zone means realizing that it's you who is stopping yourself just from doing what you're afraid of and that it's you who can overcome your fear at the same time. Your comfort zone can hold you back from so many great experiences; breaking through that wall that you have oh so carefully built can be scary, but can ultimately bring you a greater sense of freedom and gratification.
4. Slow down
Nowadays, life is all about moving fast. We want our classes to end quicker, our homework to get done faster, our YouTube videos to load in less time than it takes for us to blink or else we move on to something else. Our lives are inherently programmed to just go faster so that we can get more done in a 24 hour day. Take the time to slow yourself down. Move yourself away from your phone and make more conversation with people face-to-face. Spend more time enjoying the view than trying to capture it in a snapchat. Stop and smell the roses!
5. Learn how to see things from a different point of view
It's so easy to see things from one side (our side). Acknowledging the fact that there is always another angle and another point of view in a situation will help you gain a better overall outlook and will let move past the idea that your side is always the right side. Have an open heart and an open mind to accept help from others, because, ultimately, they have your best interest in mind.
6. Stop comparing
You can't be the best at everything. You just can't. What you can be is the best you that you can be. You're unique! Comparing yourself to others will make you view yourself differently; suddenly you'll look at yourself and only see what you don't have and what you're not like instead of what you do have and who God made you to be. Truth be told, there are so many people who we look at and wish we were, but there are just as many who look at us the same way.
7. Don't be afraid to be silly
From my love of camp sing-a-long songs (with motions) to my terribly wonderful puns, I would definitely call myself a silly person. Showing off your dorky, fun side often takes that awkward edge off of certain situations and is a great way to let people get to know the real you. When others see you smiling and having fun just being yourself, they'll want to join too!
8. Pura vida!
A short and simple phrase with a great big meaning behind it. Originating from Costa Rica, "pura vida" literally translates to "pure life" or "just live" in English; while this phrase is beautiful simply in its translation, it goes beyond that to symbolize the entire Costa Rican way of life. During my time in Costa Rica, I was able to witness just how meaningful this phrase was for their culture: everywhere we looked, people were smiling and were just happy with where they were in life, simply living for the day as if it was the best one of their lives. Out of all the great things I took away from that trip, this phrase has been the most profound, and it's easy to see why.
Having a positive outlook on life will make you happier and healthier. You'll be able to see the world differently, with more color and detail. You'll find that others will smile more when they see you smiling and having fun. Living positively will give you a new feeling of confidence and will ultimately allow you to have a better attitude and a grander sense of being. Pura vida, friends!