Back at home my youth group is called S.A.L.T. (Which stands for Saved And Living Truth). My question to myself is am I living out that name? Am I living truth? Am I being who God wants me to be? Am I living out His will? I know I am saved, but am I just going through the motions?
I have been struggling the past year with this battle of finding truth in the things of life. The theme for the Vacation Bible School my church did this year was Submerged and the motto was: "Finding truth below the surface." This was something I heard throughout the entire summer, and it really impacted me. Towards the end of the summer it impacted me hard. I realized that I was teaching these children to find truth below the surface and to dive deeper still into God's Word, but it wasn't something I was doing. I was seeking truth on the surface and was hardly ever going into God's Word for the answers.
College is a time where many are searching for answers to the questions they have for life, it is a time where people are seeking truth. Many are searching for answers that only God can provide, and they are not looking to Him for the answers. And I am guilty of this myself. People look for answers is so many of the wrong places and they quickly loose themselves in this journey of trying to find answers. They turn to sex, drugs, boys, and self-destruction to try and figure the world out. And it can be incredibly difficult to get out of this.
God has been showing me that the answers that I have been seeking to my questions can only be found in Him. It took God knocking me down for me to find this out (Because at times I can be pretty stubborn). John 8:32 NASB says, "and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." Knowing God's Word, God's truth, God's grace, and God's love will set you free from the bondage of your life!!!!
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find;knock, and it will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7 NASB). If you seek God with all of your heart with the answers to life toughest questions, He will come to You and answer you. God promises many times in the Bible that He will never leave us or forsake us, but how often do we as people forget that? I know I often forget about it in the middle of trials. And it isn't until I get so low that I cannot handle it that I turn back to Him. And that has caused me to have to struggle through trials thinking I was alone. When in reality God was right there holding me and trying to guide me through the trials and let it bring glory and honor to Him.
Am I living out S.A.L.T.? Not all the time. I fall often. But I serve the God of redemption who gives me unlimited chances. I just have to go to Him and give it all to Him, and He will gently say to me, "My Child, I have been waiting for you."