I go to college with people from all over the world. Some have to take a plane ride over the ocean to come to Houghton, some just a plane ride across America, and others have to spend an entire day driving to get to school. I, on the other hand, live about 2 hours away from school. Most of the drive is on one highway, so it's a pretty easy trip. There are quite a few unique things you'll know to be true if you live this distance away from your school, too.
1. Driving back and forth to school isn't a big deal.
When it's time to drive back to school, you can leave at the last possible minute, because it doesn't take that long to get back. The drive back isn't a whole day event, so it doesn't take a ton of planning to decide when to get in the car and go.
2. It's unimpressive when you are asked where you're from.
While some of your peers are answering the "where are you from?" question with exciting answers, like other states and countries, it's pretty boring when all you say is "umm...like 2 hours away...same state as this one. Basically a little ways down that highway".
3. You can go home for the weekend no problem.
Weekend trips, or even day trips home aren't a big deal. You can drive home if you need to, or you can escape to home if you need space away from school.
4. At the same time, you're just far enough away from home.
Although you can go home for the weekend, you also can't get there in like 30 minutes. You are still a good distance away from everything you want to leave at home, and you don't feel like you're going to college in your backyard, or with a bunch of people you already know.
5. You can see your parents more often.
Your parents can come down for a day, or see you in a sporting event, or just take you out to dinner sometime. It's nice to be able to see your parents, but at the same time, you are also a good distance away so you can live your own life.
6. People know about your college.
You live close enough that you probably know people who have gone to your college, or people at least know that your college exists. Especially if you go to a small school that not a lot of people know about. If you lived further away, people would have no idea of its existence.
7. Similarly, people from college know about your town.
Or, they at least have heard of the general area that you come from. Faculty and staff who live in the area have most likely heard of your town, and it's nice to be recognized.
8. You feel like the experienced one on ventures off campus.
You have a general sense of the roads and towns around your college, so when it comes to driving places off campus, you are the designated guide. Especially compared to your out-of-state friends, you are comfortable with the area, roads, and laws.
9. You couldn't be happier with your college choice.
You can go home for the weekend AND feel like you're super far away from home (which can be a good thing)? It's perfect. You are always grateful for the chance to go home easily, but you also don't want to, because college is awesome and where all your friends are.
Of course, if you don't live nearby to your college, there is nothing wrong with this. They are just two different worlds and both have their advantages and disadvantages--and, of course, to each their own!