My boyfriend bought me this book last month. There were 2 books, one for him and one for me, and they were titled “31 Creative Ways to Love and Encourage Him/Her.” As I read the back of the book, it talked about re-kindling sparks of a relationship that may be boring, working on a better relationship, and so on. They were written by a married couple that is rooted in faith. At first, I was concerned that he thought our relationship was dull, but as I read the book, I was excited to start the journey with him.
The book is set up to give me daily challenges that will help me encourage him better, and the same goes for him and his book. Challenges such as working on eye contact, date nights, and praying for each other. It is a wonderful process, and each day I feel more connected to him. Throughout each day, I am learning how important it is to practice a lot of these skills in any relationship I have, not just my relationship with Danny. My relationship with my dad, friends, and family could all use some of the skills and challenges included in this book. It is making me grow as not only a girlfriend but also as a person. I am recognizing what people need even though they may not ask for anything. I am understanding what it means to encourage someone, even though it may require a little extra effort.
Though I believe everyone should invest in these books to build strong relationship, I will tell you that the key I have learned through this whole journey is the importance of being intentional. This goes for any relationship. Be intentional about spending time together, about praying for each other, about what you want for each other. A lot of relationships are trapped in the day-to-day comfortable lifestyle, afraid of taking chances to change the relationship. The odds are, the relationship doesn’t need to change, it just needs to be more intentional. The one step outside of the comfort zone to put forth an extra effort for someone is so important and so rewarding.
Relationships are not meant to be hard, but they are not meant to stay in the same place forever. Growing in love for someone is wonderful, and growing in love intentionally is beautiful. Intentionally encourage people in your relationships. Intentionally pray for your person, and I promise you will see God working through your relationship.
This book has opened my eyes to the importance of praying for someone you love. The encouragement that comes just from asking God to give them the strength to be the person He wants them to be is unmeasurable. This book has put us on the same page (physically and mentally) in our relationship to conquer this world together by being the best version of ourselves.
I encourage couples to get this book, not to fix a wounded relationship, but to strengthen a beautiful one. It shows you that you should never give upon someone, and that working alongside each other through daily challenges can create an unbreakable bond. This book helps to create daily habits to radiate positivity, to be happy and to share that happiness with the world, to give love and to accept love. This book helps you to live intentionally.