In life, everyone is under the notion that we have to follow every expectation, every standard and every rule that someone gives us. I can't count on my fingers how many times somebody told me I needed to follow this path or I need to make sure I succeed in something.
Nobody in life will let you know the hardships about making your own mistakes, failing alone and struggling to meet a goal or dream of yours.
People just expect. They expect us to never let our guard down, they expect us to always make the best decisions, they expect us to go the route they anticipated us going down and they expect us to be perfect. In reality, every single person has a flaw, everyone fails at something once in life and not everyone always makes the right decisions... including me.
In your lifetime, you have to write your own story. You cannot sit back and be the co author and watch someone else write a biography of your life.
I will be the first to admit that I love adventure and traveling to unfamiliar places. There is not a single person in this world that will ever stop me from doing that. I will never turn down an adventure, nor a lifetime experience.
If somebody told me we are going to France tomorrow, I would pack up and be ready to go. If somebody told me we are going skydiving, I will be onboard. There are always going to be moments in life you can't get back, so take the opportunity when it knocks.
I moved 1,700 miles away because I saw opportunities that would enhance who I am as a person, and it has not let me down one bit. If there was a once in a lifetime opportunities that was across the country, or even out of the country, I would cautiously weigh my factors and decide.
If somebody told me to not eat the slice of cake, because the sugars aren't good for me, I would eat the cake anyway.
If somebody told me I can't change my major multiple times, I would change it to whatever I see future potential with long-term.
If somebody told me I shouldn't spend my money on something, I would spend it and not regret a dime.
If somebody told me I couldn't achieve something, I would work hard to reach it... for myself, not them.
If somebody told me I shouldn't dance in the rain because I can get sick, I would dance the night away.
Do whatever the hell makes you happy.
You don't need to walk through life pleasing everyone. We are all grown enough to make our OWN choices and do our own things.
Every single person has the potential to make their life story their own, so go out and make it your own.
Don't sit around and have people tell you what's next and where you should be because everyone moves differently in life. Nobody is ever going to be at the exact same place as you, and that is more than OK.
Adventure will always be out there, opportunities will always knock and life will always have 24 hours in a day, so do what YOU want to do.
If you fail, if you get knocked down and if you aren't happy, stand up. Push for what you want, and strive to become the best version of yourself that you pictured.
Believe it or not, it is MY life, and I will live it however I want to live it.