At one point or another, we have all judged someone else. Whether it be for physical appearance or other reasons, it needs to stop. It is human tendency, and very easy to criticize one another, but it is destroying the goodness in us. Far too often, people, girls especially, are shamed for their appearance, their choices, or anything else under the sun. It is time that we all let people live. As long as no one is doing anything to directly harm another, then live and let live. There is no room for shaming others simply because they make different choices or carry themselves differently than you do. If someone else is happy, let them be happy. This world can be cold, and people can be cruel, so be the light in the dark. Spend more time lifting others up, and you will see the love you have for yourself grow as well. Living a happy life is important, and it all begins with the love you have for yourself and others.
Be proud of yourself. Learn to see your own beauty, and the greatness that lies within you. There is nothing conceited about loving yourself. There is nothing superficial about taking the time to do things that make you feel beautiful. Egotism is believing yourself to be better or more important than another, while confidence is solely loving yourself enough to not have to compare yourself to others or pick yourself apart.
If you are feeling happy about yourself today, there is no shame in taking a photo as a reminder for days when you’re down on yourself. There is nothing wrong with putting on a little more makeup than usual or spending more time on your hair if it will boost your self confidence. There is an enormous difference between being self absorbed or vain, and simply being proud of who you are and letting yourself feel beautiful. So many of us focus solely on our flaws, without realizing that for every “flaw” there are numerous, lovely, things.
If you are living a life that you are proud of, keep living it. Who is to say that you are living your own life wrong? Wear the outfit you feel confident in, because confidence is not conceit and you deserve to feel lovely. Surround yourself with people who lift you up. The world is full of judgment, and the people who make you feel loved are worth far more than any amount of money. Be with the person you adore and love, because as long as you are happy nothing else matters. Focus on the good in people, instead of picking at their flaws and character. If someone does not make you a priority in their lives, unapologetically (but respectfully) move on to someone who will. Do what makes you proud of who you are, and happy with the life you are living. You have a purpose, and the opinion of another does not change your future. Likewise, criticizing another will not make you feel happier.
The point is, no one was made to be the same, and I firmly believe that each and every human has something to adore about them. We cannot judge others, because there are just as many criticisms they could make of us. We are all living in the same world, a world that can be very rough if we are hard on each other. Keep your focus on your own life, and bettering yourself, and let others do the same.