Living Life In Fast Forward | The Odyssey Online
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Living Life In Fast Forward

Don't live your life in fast forward, because in life there is no rewind.

Living Life In Fast Forward

Go, Go, Go

By: Annie Sullivan

Go, go, going way too fast
Never enjoying the beauty around us
Moments never last

It happens to us all
That whirlwind feeling
Too caught up to see the writing on the wall

Go, go, golden days are fleeting
Something you must cherish
Never know when your heart may stop beating

Forever driving in the fast lane
With no regards for the present
Is the modern day brain

Go, go, gone letting life pass you by
Never glancing at the ones who pass
Letting the missed opportunities multiply

Please just answer me this
Why must we live in fast forward?
Haven’t you heard of living out of pure bliss?

Go, go, godforsaken lives we endure
Because of our lack of concern for now
Too afraid to escape the everyday contour

Living for today, I know that may be tough
Stop moving from place to place
Like it isn’t enough

Go, go, got no idea what tomorrow holds
Make memories with the ones you love
As the future unfolds

This is a poem I wrote a few months ago for my Creative Writing class and I decided it was a good time to share.

We are all victims of worrying too much about the future. No matter how old you are or what you've accomplished in life, you are always looking for what's next. When we should be focused on the beautiful moment right in front of us, we are blinded by anxiety and concern for the unknown. Always rushing from task to task and place to place, we never take a second to cherish the present. If you think about it, tomorrow is never promised. This is your life and you are responsible to make the most of it with no regrets. That means living every day like it's your last.

Life is unpredictable. Every second is crucial. Ignoring the people and possible encounters around you is only hurting yourself. You never know what one simple conversation could mean for your life. It could be a start to a new beginning or the last words with someone you love. Don't take it for granted. Give the present your undivided attention. We are rushing through life with selfish intentions, forgetting we exist among wonderful humans from all walks of life. These people can inspire us and we can do the same for them.

Not knowing what the future holds is scary for sure, but the mystery is what makes life so exciting. Enjoy the journey and stop focusing so much on the destination. There's no fun in jumping to the end because that path could change in an instant, often for the best. Stop trying so hard to find the spoiler for your life. Take life as it comes. The people you meet along the way and the memories you make are much more important than thinking too far ahead.

Before you know it, you'll be old and gray, hanging onto every second that life has to offer. Instead of waiting that long to realize the significance of admiring your present life, stop right now and do it. It will change your life; it's as if you will be truly living for the first time. Be spontaneous, crazy, and fearless. Enjoy every waking moment of this exclusive life. It's yours for a reason, and you must make the most of it.

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