There's a lot to be said about communal living while in a university environment. At some point or another in a person's college career, they often find themselves sharing a space with a roommate or two. I, myself, spent the last school year sharing a sorority house with 50 other college-aged women.
Considering I have four brothers and I grew up spending half my time crashing at my divorced, single father's bachelor pad, this was a huge adjustment for me. I was incredibly skeptical as I prepared to move in. Looking back at the experience I can say it wasn't always fun, it wasn't always easy, and it wasn't always enjoyable, but it was a life-changing experience that changed me for the better. I learned a lot of things throughout my time living in the house, but here are just some of the few more important ones.
1. The existence of face wash
I can genuinely say that I had no idea that there was wash made specifically for a person's face. Needless to say, this discovery was life changing and my skin has thanked me greatly for this discovery.
2. The importance of a hype team
There is nothing more empowering than having 10 other girls tell you that "you are too good for him" and "those jeans make your butt look fantastic." The power of confidence that a hype team bestows is simply magical.
3. The dangers of a hype team
A hype team can also be synonymous with an enabling team, and when you ask them if you should take another shot, chances are, they aren't going to tell you no.
4. Getting ready in a house with 50 girls is both the best and the worst
Out of mascara? Someone has some. Need help with your hair? Someone is ready and willing to assist. Finding a spot at the bathroom counter? That's when it becomes every man for themselves.
5. FOMO is real
The "fear of missing out" is a very real thing. It is super hard to stay in and study for that 9:00 am organic chemistry quiz when it's a Thursday night and it feels like everyone except you is getting ready to go out.
6. Codependency at its finest
Being constantly surrounded by people makes you a tiny bit codependent. Activities such as going to the kitchen or watching Netflix are often group events. It makes for a hard reality when you move out and no longer have someone to sit with and entertain you while you do your makeup.
7. Mundane tasks are so much better when you have someone to do them with
Activities such as doing the laundry and going to the store to buy shampoo are way more fun when you have your best friends around to do these activities with you.
8. Pick your battles
Living with 50 people means that not everything is always going be sunshine and rainbows. People will disagree and people will get upset. It helps you realize that not everything is always worth getting upset over.
9. Laughter can’t fix everything, but it can make something a lot better
The best part of sharing a space with so many people is that there is always someone there to help pick you up when you're down. Even when the world seems dreary, there's someone there to remind you that the world is a little bit brighter than you think it is.
10. Invest in people
The most important investment you can make in life is investing in others. It's easy to get swept up in our own lives, but when you take the time to get to know someone, it can open you up to a beautiful new friendship.