“I want to wake up in a city that never sleeps," Frank Sinatra once said. New York is that city.
It's always on, always moving and always evolving. That's one of the reasons NYC is so great; it never stays the same.
There are also a ton of benefits in calling New York City "home." Here are the best things about living in NYC:
Central Park Benches in NYC
www.flickr.comNot only is the city itself extremely walkable and walker-friendly, it offers Central Park to get lost in greenery and nature.
Celebrity Sightings
It's always worth keeping your eyes peeled because you never know who you'll cross paths with or see from a distance.
Diverse Neighborhoods
Chinatown in Manhattan
en.wikipedia.orgTo truly appreciate everything NYC has to offer, you need to venture into its various neighborhoods. This is where you'll experience all kinds of cultural hits, from food to entertainment.
Small Ponds in the Big City
ocean swimming GIF
GiphyThe big city can be overwhelming at first, but once you find your "small ponds" - based on your interests - you'll meet the right people and you'll find the right places to socialize.
Always Something Going On
Broadway Shows in NYC
live.staticflickr.comBored is not really an acceptable word around here. There's always something going on in the city.
You Can't Get Lost

NYC 23rd and Broadway
pxhere.comManhattan's grid-based street system makes it nearly impossible to get lost.
Touristy Stuff For Visitors

The Empire State Building
If you ever have friends or family visiting from out of town, it's easy to set up some sights that they'll really appreciate.
Great Food

Joe's Pizza, Greenwich Village, NYC
commons.wikimedia.orgFrom family-owned diners to pizzerias that go back generations, there is plenty of great food to go around in NYC.
Public Transit

MTA and I Love NY campaign
www.flickr.comLocals may curse it from time to time, but the public transit system gets you around just about anywhere at a reasonable price.
Rent-Controlled Apartments
Apartment windows, Charles Street at 7th Avenue, Greenwich
www.flickr.comOnce a price is set, it remains the same, year after year after year.
Proximity to World Class Venues
Madison Square Garden
www.honorguard.af.milBeing nearby world-famous Madison Square Garden and other premiere sights & venues isn't so bad. It's a nice benefit of living in NYC and another opportunity to experience all the best it has to offer.
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