A summer home from college is unique from the summers of your past. Returning to your beloved (or despised) hometown after months of adjusting to a new life away can present many new feelings and experiences. It can be shocking how different your summer may be just one year post-high school. Here is how it all goes down, explained by the always accurateReal Housewives.
When you arrive home, there are a few orders of business you need taken care of before you can officially grasp the fact that it’s summer.
You spend the first few days in the “honeymoon phase” of summer, enjoying everything you love about home (i.e. good restaurants, manicures and pedicures, a haircut, shopping, clean laundry) at the expense of your parents, who are just thrilled to have you back.
You eventually realize that you should probably take this free time to do something about those extra pounds that creeped up on you last semester.
Then, the day you have been dreading arrives; the end to your days of total freedom—the first day of your summer job.
You come home after your first day, wondering how you’re going to survive waking up before 9 a.m. for the rest of the summer.
The weekend rolls around, and it’s time to make your first appearance at a party with people from your high school. You show off your “new and improved” college self to everyone you graduated with.
It seems like the party is actually pretty fun, and maybe even a little wild, until someone trips over the cord that’s keeping the music playing, and everyone starts to stare around the quiet basement.
You somehow end up stuck in a conversation with the girl who never really let go of high school gossip, and she tells you how great you look, and how she can tell you’re “really killing it!” at college.
After a few weeks, you make plans to meet up with your friends from school, and when you finally see them, you pick up right back where you left off.
When your parents realize that you’ve maybe been watching a little too much TV in your free time, they ask if there’s any school work you can get a head start on, or maybe there’s a book that you want to read?
After months of getting along perfectly, one of your siblings throws you under the bus for something at a family event...and you are having absolutely none of it.
But, at the end of the day, you know that being home would be nothing without your family.
As the summer nears its end, and you think about all of the work and responsibility that awaits you back at school, you realize how much you really do love being at home.
However, as soon as move-in day arrives, you’re ready to leave your town, and get back to your friends, your school, and a whole new year of college fun.