Why Living At Home Is The Best | The Odyssey Online
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Why Living At Home Is The Best

Thanks, mom and dad.

Why Living At Home Is The Best

As a college student, I have both dormed and lived at home with my parents. Last year, I stayed in a residential hall and this year, I decided to live at home. Both housing situations have their ups and downs, but I personally love living at home. Yeah, my 35-minute drive to school can suck sometimes, and not being able to hang out with friends as often as I'd like to is a bummer, too. But living at home with my parents has saved me in so many ways, and here's why!

1. No dining hall food

Instead of walking down to the dining hall to eat my meals, all I have to do is walk downstairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat. That means not having to put on a jacket and shoes just to get dinner! Our kitchen is always stocked with fresh fruit, something I missed out on when I dormed. Plus, the dining hall always has the same thing. At home, I have so many more options!

2. Homemade meals

Chances are, I'll find a homemade meal when I walk downstairs. We never go long without my mom's amazing banana bread, and the house smells amazing when she's making a new batch!

3. No communal bathroom

Last year, I shared a bathroom with 34 other girls. There was hair everywhere, a wait for the toilets, and a mad dash for the shower with the best water pressure in the mornings. Now, the only person I compete with for the bathroom is my little brother. But we know who wins that one.

4. Not having to pay for room-and-board

The average room-and-board cost in the United States is $10,000. That doesn't include meal plans or the things that you buy for your dorm room. I'm lucky enough that my parents don't charge me rent! By commuting, I'm saving thousands of dollars.

5. No traveling home for the holidays

Why travel home for break when I'm already home? Lots of college students have to book flights or buy train tickets to get home for the holidays, and they have to bring clothes there and back.

6. Not stressing about wardrobe changes

Not knowing what the weather was going to be like in the upcoming weeks always made it difficult for me to change my wardrobe at school. I would have to lug home all my winter clothes and bring my spring clothes back. And then all of a sudden, we'd have a cold week and I'd be stuck with my sleeveless tops and cropped jeans. Now, I don't have to worry about that!

7. Parents don't have to visit

My parents spent so much money and time coming to visit me. They would drive an hour and a half to come see me, take me out to eat, go shopping with me, and then return home. Every time they came to visit, they would bring me some things from home, and leave with a few things that I didn't need.

Not only does living at home save me money, it's strengthened my relationship with my family too. I'm so lucky to have parents who put up with me every day –– thank you mom and dad!

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