So you graduated college and you have gotten a job near your parent’s house. All your friends have already gone apartment hunting and you feel pressured to do the same. But here is an idea, instead of buying your own place just live at home. There is nothing wrong with living back home after college. Who cares if all of your friends are planning on moving out of their parent’s house immediately? Living at home after college is probably the smartest thing to do because that is the best way to save money. Keep in mind, your friends that move out, once they get their paycheck, all the money is going towards bills, rent, and student loans. If you live at home, your paycheck just goes towards student loans; you will be able to save so much money. On top of saving more money, you will be able to come home after work to a nice home cooked meal prepared by your parents. Just because you are living at home after college doesn’t mean that you are going to be there for the rest of your life. This is just a way for you to save up money to pay off some of your student loans and to also save up for your own apartment. So before you fully reject the idea of living back home, really think about this decision and think about the money process. Why waste money on an apartment if your job is close to your parent’s house? Make the smart decision, not the cool decision!
Student LifeFeb 28, 2017
Living At Home After College
It's not the cool decision but the smart decision