If you're anything like me, you're interested in being as environmentally conscious as possible. If that statement doesn't apply to you, you should really reconsider: this planet is kind of the only one we have.
It can be hard to be really aware of your footprint and integrating that mindset into your day-to-day can be tricky, but I've got a few ways that you can live green in the city. Whether you're a diligent student, a workaholic, or part of a busy family, you can integrate these little changes into your life. Every single seemingly insignificant thing counts! Let's get started.
1. Recycle
2. Compost
3. Reuse
I'm a big saver of to-go containers and jars. Sauce jars, plastic takeout boxes, small tubs that once contained my Earth Balance butter: all of these can be reused. I love making iced tea and storing them in the jars. You can get creative and paint jar lids, decorate the glass, or simply use them instead of plastic bags for taking your lunch to-go.
4. Hang Clothes
5. Use the bus or ride share
6. Bike, board, or walk
7. Support local businesses
Check out your local vendors and farmers markets. If you want to really cut down on your ecological footprint, stop ordering the special entree that features a protein that flew halfway across the world to make it to your table. Instead, eat fruits and vegetables that are in season, and purchase goods that are sourced locally. Your local economy can only thrive from this!
Those are just a few of my tips for living green in the city. If you liked this, give it a share, like, or comment. <3
If you're interested in finding more out about your ecological footprint, check out http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/calculators/ and calculate your footprint. Go green!