I am 21 years old, and I have been living gluten-free since the age of 14 following a celiac disease diagnosis.
There seems to be a lot of misnomers out there that being gluten-free is a fad, aids in weight loss or is overall a healthier lifestyle to follow.
A gluten-free diet is ONLY for those with celiac disease (an autoimmune disease in which the protein gluten causes damaged to the villi in the small intestine, thus producing an autoimmune response), or people that are gluten sensitive/intolerant (the same symptoms occur, but there is no physical damage to the body).
I will repeat this again for the folks in the back.
Going gluten-free will not make you overall healthier or help you to lose weight. There are precious B-vitamins in grains (that are sometimes not enriched into gluten-free products), so you should not unnecessarily deprive your body of these nutrients.
As someone living with celiac disease for seven years now, I am used to it, but there are still some things that bother me.
So, to my fellow celiacs or gluten-sensitive friends, let us raise our glasses (of hard apple cider) and have a moment of silence for our daily struggles.
1. "Honestly, I would kill myself if I couldn't eat bread anymore."
I guess it's a good thing that you're not in my position.
2. "Does this mean you can't eat bread, cookies, cake and stuff like that?"
Yes. *cries*
There are gluten-free options of these products, but they never will taste like the real thing.
3. When your friends want to get pizza for dinner.
4. "My stomach always hurts after I get fast food, I must be allergic to gluten."
No, your stomach hurts because you had fries and three Whoppers.
5. Getting invited to a dinner party and not being able to eat anything.
Hey, at least wine is gluten-free!
6. Trying to convince people that you aren't high maintenance, and that your shitty digestive system is not your fault.
7. "What happens if you eat gluten?"
Have you ever seen a Pepto Bismol commercial?
Well, that happens.
8. When someone you know gets diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.
9. #ProTip: There is a dating site just for people that are gluten-free.
You can thank me later.