Throughout most of my life, I was never really a person who would get motivated easily. I would always complain about the stupidest things and when I was in high school I was pretty lazy and tended to not try as much as others. It was strange, because once I found my passion in life and how much I can really make a change in this world, it hit me. At the end of my senior year of high school, I knew what I wanted to do with my life, and that was to become a Speech Language Pathologist. I knew that helping people through struggles and problems has always been one of my favorite things to do. So then I broke it down a little more. Okay, I want to be some sort of therapist but I’m not sure which type of therapist. Growing up with a brother who has Autism and hearing so many amazing stories about parents who were told that their kids would never speak, and then seeing a Speech Therapist everything changed. Now that really inspired me. I took it and ran. My first year of college I went to Southern Illinois University Carbondale, but at the end of my first year I realized that it wasn't for me. It was then that I applied to go to Augustana College because I heard that they had an awesome Speech Path program. I was ready to go and knew that I made the right decision.
There are many people that walk up to me on a weekly basis and simply ask, “Nick, why do you have so much damn energy all of the time?” Well, all I’m saying is that it’s not all coffee, folks. Yeah, I love my coffee, but that’s not all I run on. I run on passion and knowing that every single day of my life I am closer to making my dreams become a reality. That is what drives me in life. Also, growing up with my brother who has Autism, I have learned many life lessons from him including patience, understanding, and overall respect for anyone. Life is too short, and if you waste your time sitting around and complaining, you won’t get where you want to be. People are not lazy, they simply have goals that don’t inspire them.
I believe that the purpose of my life is to free people from concern. I have this obsession of ending the suffering of any human being possible. But one of my biggest problems that I still need to work on is that I simply can’t help everyone. Not everyone can benefit from my help, or just doesn’t need it. And I stress myself out by constantly thinking of all these awesome ways that I can help this person, and I think that it will work but in the end if they don’t need my help then that is okay. Everyone has something to give... everyone. I want to help people realize that when they are feeling down or they are just having a bad day, that everything will be okay, and that there is time to make a change. There is a reason why I’m always hopping around like a kangaroo; it’s because I want my energy to rub off on people. I want to make others' days. We all have tough times-- we all go through things that break us down mentally and physically. But actually getting to the end of the tunnel and making a breakthrough, getting through your troubles makes you realize that you are stronger than you think. I am not “always” happy. No one is always happy. We all have problems that need to be dealt with, but if you are pushing yourself everyday and making the best of everyday when you wake up in the morning, then it gets a little easier to get where you want to be. Obviously that is easier said than done. For some people it may take a while to get that positive attitude and to really make a breakthrough, but all I'm saying is once you really find what you want to do in life and not follow what society wants of you, then I promise you, you will get what you want.
I have two sheets of paper on my wall. One says, “Worry is a total waste of time, all it does it steal your joy and keeps you busy doing nothing.” Sounds good, huh? I also have a poem right next to my bed titled “The Will To Win.” That poem is one of the most inspiring things that I have ever read in my life. And every time I read it, I learn something new. I read both of these every single morning before I go to class and remind myself how lucky and blessed I am to have another day. I also meditate in the morning and man is it hard. Knowing that I always have a thousand things on my mind, it is extremely difficult to get to that state of mind when you are at peace. And that is one thing that I still need to find in my life, peace of mind. I think everyone does to a certain level. Our society is filled with awful norms and if you are willing to step out of the herd of what is today’s society, then you are considered crazy or weird. If you are dedicated or passionate about something you are also considered weird or strange. Do whatever makes you happy and never care what society thinks. If you want life to change, you have to change. If you want life to get better, you have to get better. Just keep moving forward and don’t give a shit about what anybody thinks. Do what you have to do, for you. It’s your life.