The title of this article might make some people cringe, because a lot of the time, becoming roommates can totally demolish a friendship.
However I am very grateful to say that this wasn't the case for me. Living with her was one of the best decisions I ever made, and here's why.
As if you thought it wasn't possible to get any closer, living together brings a whole new level of "bonding". There's no such thing as "awkward", because you've already overstepped every boundary possible.
Your best friend is always there for you no matter what regardless of where they live, but they are LITERALLY always there if you live with them. Like 5 feet away. You need someone to talk to? Outfit advice? Help executing a bad decision? She's literally right there.
It's also been the best thing in the world trying to figure out this whole "adulting" thing with her. Setting off the fire alarm one too many times, screaming in the kitchen because we can't figure out how to do our homework, spilling anything imaginable, you name it. I've known her since I was 5, so it's hilarious to see that in the past 15 years, we really haven't changed much.
You get to relive all the childhood memories while making new ones at the same time.
A lot of the time you come in to college thinking you need 100+ friends, but being around my BFF 25/8 has made me realize you don't. That's not what it's all about
It's about laughing so hard we're rolling around on the ground.
It's the random Q'Doba runs because we just need it and can't hang anymore.
It's sitting around the kitchen table complaining about that boy that won't text you back (and probably calling him not very nice names).
It's saying "it's fine" even though it usually isn't.
It's playing throwback songs from the 2000's while we make dinner.
I wouldn't trade any of it for the world.
The moments in college are priceless and irreplaceable, but the fact I get to do it with my childhood best friend makes is 10x better.
My favorite part of any day is being in my room and hearing her say "Shelby!" when she gets home.
She's the Blair to my Serena and the Brooke to my Peyton always, and living with her didn't change a damn thing.