We are known as the ME ME ME generation. As the generation that is lazy, entitled, selfish and shallow.
Why yes, we can be all these things, but so can everyone else in different generations.
We are known to be consumed in our cell phones and laptops. Which I won’t deny. I spend hours each day on both, whether it is for school purposes or for my blog, watching YouTube videos, etc.
However that doesn’t mean that I don’t care, just because we post a selfie doesn’t make us awful humans. Posting a selfie for the world to see is actually pretty scary, it uses courage within someone. A selfie means you are allowing society to view you, to see you, to judge who we are based on one photo. Selfies can create confident people.
They say we are lazy, but Millennials are some of the hardest working people I know, we just work differently than most generations. We want to work hard to find a cure for cancer, to save our oceans, to eliminate factory farming. Millennials have big dreams and are willing to work as hard as they have to in order to achieve those dreams.
We are known to not be able to connect face to face anymore but are more than capable of connecting through email, text, Skype, or FaceTime. That we are consumed in our social lives.
However, from my own personal story, I was given the opportunity to meet my best friend of 8 years at the time because of Skype. I was able to chat with her for 16 years thanks to email, and Skype. Without that I would have never met my best friend. I would never be able to share what I was going through living my life with one arm and have her share what her life is like having one arm and have the ability to help each other through the hardest times of our lives.
While many of these statements are true, Millennials are capable of so much more than you think.
We are the most diverse and educated generation yet. We are open minded and want to learn others point of view. We see value, importance, and we want to change the world.
We want to change society and will do everything we can to make an impact in some way, whether that is complementing someone we see as we cross the street, or commenting a positive message on someone’s photo on Instagram.
They say that we think the world revolves around us, but we are creating campaigns globally to change the world, to gain recognition for others, to share others stories so that those stories can impact lives.
Millennials are not content because we always want to be better, do better, and find better ways of accomplishing tasks. This is why we will achieve more than you can ever imagine. We hope to be a better version of ourselves each day and strive to be great.
Millennials understand your perspective and we won’t deny that what you say might be true but before you speak or dis on us, please look into each of these statements and research a little bit further, take into consideration why we do what we do. Why we consume ourselves in technology, because the reason you think is most likely not truly the reason.
From my personal life, I consume myself in social media because I want to change the world, I want to change the idea of perfection, to make an impact on those around me, and to help others who might experience the same situations I have and if they can hear my story first it might help them through difficult times and challenges.
We care, that’s why we share.